Leaders are Readers! Are YOU? - Dhananjay J Patil

Leaders are readers! Are YOU? Trainer. Dhananjay J Patil. ARUN is a successful young manager with a large company in Gurgaon. He started his career as a salesman, and has rapidly grown in the organisation. He is married, and lists down 'watching TV and reading books' amongst his hobbies. 'Unfortunately,' says Arun, my hectic work schedule leaves me with practically no time at all for reading!' Krutika, a young graduate who works with a BPO in Mumbai, is preparing for her forthcoming MBA entrance exams. She is working hard at improving her English skills. Readers are Leaders Everyday, you will find her in the train on her way to work, reading her flashcards, trying to improve her vocabulary in the next 30 days - even as her iPod blasts the latest hits into her ears. She knows the lyrics of these songs by heart - it's just those words on the flashcards that are the problem. 'I have never even heard of these words!' she sighs. Ar...